Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My trip to California take 1

3:20am came and I dreaded the alarm. I wished to turn it off and keep it that way. I was so tired. I kept getting random texts and alarms were going off on my phone. So I had about 2 hours of sleep. I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for my day. Dad and I headed out to the airport. To my surprise I am told they now charge for bags. Surprise number 2...you now have to pay for water. Yeah...thats all good. So first flight. Into Dallas. I NEVER can sleep on a flight. NEVER! I always shake awake. Well I had the whole row to myself so I laid down and fell asleep. I did hear the pilot anounce we were getting ready to land, so I got up and sat up. Well..fell back asleep. I was awaken by the flight attendant shaking me and saying MA'AM very loudly. Um...I slept through the landing, everyone getting their bags, and probably looking at the crazy girl sound asleep. I NEVER sleep like that. I am a very light sleeper. So that made my day. Had a lot of laughs...by myself. I then headed to Phoenix which was fine. My next flight to my home town was different. My last flight was delayed, I had to change airlines (I have no clue why), check out of the airport, re-enter the secutiry, and get my ticket. When they then told me I was too late. Well, they put me through anyways and I made it just in time. Because the airport in my home town is so tiny, the next flight was 9 hours later. God is good and brought me to my home and I was so excited to see familiar things. I got my rental car and took off. I was so excited to see my best friend Sarah Kate and my two little nephews. Sarah was teaching ballet, so I watched my little men. Diego is 2 and Donovan is 6 months. So fun. We then took off to Trader Joes...which I was sooo excited to go to. I cant wait til Nashville's opens...I am counting down the months :) It is so nice to be here. I love it! I am going to be taking pictures every day to keep up with my blog. I think I will do a daily blog and put all the pictures at the end? Maybe? Maybe just add them every day. I didnt get a lot today, but dont worry...more to come. Thanks for your prayers for safety.....

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